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December, 2024 auto sales of SAIC-GM-Wuling

2025/1/17 0:00:00 Gasgoo

Monthly sales YTD sales YTD sales MoM change 去年同期 YoY change
Yunduo 3,558 19,569 3038 17.12% 2117 68.07%
Baojun 530 6,163 57,484 5303 16.22% 8496 -27.46%
Baojun 310 4,686 64,841 5825 -19.55% 4911 -4.58%
Baojun 510 1,360 31,760 2425 -43.92% 1423 -4.43%
Yunhai EV 1,340 11,687 2976 -54.97% 0 0%
Baojun (Diamond) 965 2,194 283 240.99% 2503 -61.45%
Yunhai PHEV 385 4,228 1042 -63.05% 0 0%
KIWI 1 41 27 -96.30% 0 0%
Bao Jun Total 18,458 191,804 20919 -11.76% 19450 -5.10%
Hongguang 6,266 59,993 10749 -41.71% 11777 -46.79%
SGMW REEV 4 4 0 0% 0 0%
Hongguang MiNi EV 44,903 225,371 37236 20.59% 50561 -11.19%
Zhengcheng 14,714 18,117 340 4227.65% 265 5452.45%
Wuling Total 65,887 303,485 48325 36.34% 62603 5.25%
Binguo PLUS 10,261 36,082 8677 18.26% 0 0%
Wuling Binguo 23,567 191,298 36911 -36.15% 48979 -51.88%
Victory 3,016 3,020 0 0% 1 301500.00%
Starlight S EV 2,785 15,728 3149 -11.56% 0 0%
jiachen 1,872 18,603 3013 -37.87% 3263 -42.63%
Xingchen 1,467 20,192 2627 -44.16% 4467 -67.16%
Starlight PHEV 1,426 59,216 603 136.48% 11453 -87.55%
Xingguang EV 252 17,406 329 -23.40% 0 0%
Yueye PLUS 658 7,768 750 -12.27% 0 0%
xingchen 974 20,192 2627 -62.92% 4467 -78.20%
Starlight S PHEV 4,132 28,575 7093 -41.75% 0 0%
Wuling (Silver) Total 50,410 418,080 65779 -23.36% 72630 -30.59%
Total 134,755 913,369 135023 -0.20% 154683 -12.88%

( Changes here refer to those of monthly sales )

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