November, 2021 sales ranking of MPVs from China's brands

2021/12/20 0:00:00 Gasgoo

Shanghai (Gasgoo)- Sales of the Hongguang amounted to 34,904 units, up 3.21% year on year, the first on November, 2021 sales ranking of MPVs from China's brands, according to the November sales data of the China Passenger Car Association. Sales of the Trumpchi M8 amounted to 7,189 units, up 51.44% year on year, ranking second on the list while its YTD sales totaled 64,997 units. November sales of the Trumpchi M6 reached 4,396 units, increasing 5.24% year on year and ranking third on the list while its YTD sales were 41,335 units. (Note: Data here refers to sales of cars, SUVs and MPVs made and sold in China.)

November, 2021 sales ranking of MPVs from China's brands
Ranking OEMs(Factory) Brand Model Monthly sales YTD sales YTD sales MoM change 去年同期 YoY change
1 Hongguang 34,904 217,529 37,943 -8.01% 33,820 3.21%
2 Trumpchi M8 7,189 64,997 7,615 -5.59% 4,747 51.44%
3 Trumpchi M6 4,396 41,335 4,340 1.29% 4,177 5.24%
4 Zhengcheng 2,627 14,795 2,571 2.18% 0 0%
5 Refine 2,125 30,692 2,133 -0.38% 3,043 -30.17%
6 Maxus G10 1,924 18,689 2,149 -10.47% 2,311 -16.75%
7 Honor 1,592 8,703 1,020 56.08% 1,654 -3.75%
8 Baojun730 1,134 21,190 4,458 -74.56% 5,600 -79.75%
9 Fengguang 330 1,011 10,402 1,450 -30.28% 1,787 -43.42%
10 MPX 815 8,071 855 -4.68% 712 14.47%
11 Song MAX 701 9,753 652 7.52% 3,136 -77.65%
12 LINGZHI 398 48,251 4,493 -91.14% 5,493 -92.75%
13 Sipaika 351 3,325 321 9.35% 1,187 -70.43%
14 Qiteng EX80 95 1,340 9 955.56% 13 630.77%
15 COSMOS 53 1,992 385 -86.23% 395 -86.58%
16 K60 EV 20 178 0 0% 0 0%
17 Maxus EG10 19 206 13 46.15% 24 -20.83%
18 Furuida M50 7 206 70 -90.00% 792 -99.12%

( Changes here refer to those of monthly sales )

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