Monthly sales |
YTD sales |
YTD sales |
MoM change |
去年同期 |
YoY change |
5,278 |
5,278 |
9133 |
-42.21% |
4606 |
14.59% |
Leapmotor C10 EV
5,100 |
5,100 |
8395 |
-39.25% |
639 |
698.12% |
4,249 |
4,249 |
8598 |
-50.58% |
2724 |
55.98% |
Leapmotor C16 REEV
3,028 |
3,028 |
5713 |
-47.00% |
0 |
0% |
Leapmotor C10 REEV
2,452 |
2,452 |
2488 |
-1.45% |
208 |
1078.85% |
Leapmotor C16 EV
2,274 |
2,274 |
3136 |
-27.49% |
0 |
0% |
1,787 |
1,787 |
2816 |
-36.54% |
2602 |
-31.32% |
657 |
657 |
1565 |
-58.02% |
880 |
-25.34% |
Leapmotor C01 REEV
345 |
345 |
673 |
-48.74% |
618 |
-44.17% |
Leap Motor Total
25,170 |
25,170 |
42517 |
-40.80% |
12277 |
105.02% |
( Changes here refer to those of monthly sales )
Welcome to browse Gasgoo’s website for more information about vehicle sales and production, and January, 2025 auto sales of Leapmotor.