Monthly sales |
YTD sales |
YTD sales |
MoM change |
去年同期 |
YoY change |
Panda mini
15,932 |
15,932 |
10669 |
49.33% |
11104 |
43.48% |
816 |
816 |
750 |
8.80% |
2802 |
-70.88% |
Geometry E
282 |
282 |
106 |
166.04% |
4329 |
-93.49% |
Geometry C
17 |
17 |
30 |
-43.33% |
475 |
-96.42% |
1 |
1 |
6 |
-83.33% |
1228 |
-99.92% |
Geely Auto Total
17,048 |
17,048 |
11561 |
47.46% |
19938 |
-14.49% |
( Changes here refer to those of monthly sales )
Welcome to browse Gasgoo’s website for more information about vehicle sales and production, and January, 2025 auto sales of Geometry.