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Changan Mazda aims to sell 60,000 cars in '09

Kelly From Gasgoo.com| February 26 , 2009 16:29 BJT

Shanghai, February 26 (Gasgoo.com) Chang'an Mazda Motor Sales Company has announced that it aims to produce and sell 60,000 cars and take 2% market share in 2009, auto.sohu.com said today.

To achieve that sales target, Chang'an Mazda will increase its dealers to 110 from the current 92, says Minoru Fujihashi, general manager of the sales company in a conference with its domestic dealers. Mazda Motor (China) has decided to introduce imported car models to Chang’an Mazda, according to the company’s president and COO Noriaki Yamada.

Meanwhile, Changan Mazda will roll out two new models with major engine choices of 1.5L and 1.6L to meet consumers’ growing demand for economical family cars with higher configurations.

Chang'an Mazda Sales Company, one of the two sales companies of Mazda (China) Motor Corp, is engaged in marketing, sales and service of Mazda brand cars produced by Chang'an Ford Mazda Automotive Corporation, a joint venture between China’s Changan Motor, US-based Ford and Japan-based Mazda. The sales company sold 44,000 cars in 2008 and gained 1.5% market share.

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