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About Those Mysterious GM Cars From China

Bertel Schmitt From Gasgoo.com| May 14 , 2009 18:36 BJT

About Those Mysterious GM Cars From China

Yesterday, we had a post about far-reaching plans of GM. They wanted to sell exactly 17,335 made-in-China cars in the U.S.—by 2011. And triple that audacious number (51,546) by 2014. Or so they say in a (supposedly) confidential 12-page presentation to members of Congress. Trouble is, nobody really knows who will make the cars.

Gasgoo says today, "Shanghai Automotive Industry Corporation (Group) (SAIC), GM's Chinese partner, said it hasn't got such information from GM yet." Mei you! Never heard of it. Could it be that someone just wants to rattle the UAW's cage? If that's the case, then the colleagues in Shanghai blew their cover. Or, less sinister, but more likely, does the left hand have no knowledge of the actions of the right? Or maybe, the cuts are so deep that they sent the P.O. by slow boat to China?(source:thetruthaboutcars.com)

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