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BYD Auto sales reach 144,741 units in Jan-May

From Xinhua| June 25 , 2009 10:02 BJT

Chinese automaker BYD Auto sold 144,741 vehicles in the first five months of this year, with F3 leading all BYD models in sales to 96,181 in January to May.

The automaker said that it plans to sell 400,000 vehicles in the full year of 2009. As an effort to fulfill the goal, it will later launch five new models including M6, S8, G3, L3 and S6.

BYD Auto is a subsidiary of BYD, which produces 65 percent of the world's nickel-cadmium batteries and 30 percent of the world's lithium-ion mobile phone batteries. BYD purchased Xi'an Qinchuan Automobile Co. in 2003 and started its auto business.

BYD F3 and F6 are its two key car models at present.

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