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Changchun aims to be world's biggest auto city

From People's Daily| July 17 , 2009 10:32 BJT

Changchun, capital city of Jilin province in northeastern China, has set a target of increasing its auto production capacity by one million cars, so that it's total capacity will reach two million cars by the end of 2010. That will make it the world’s largest auto city.

Mayor Cui Jie, of Changchun City, said that the auto capacity of Changchun already reached one million cars in 2006, following behind Detroit, Paris and other cities to become one of the eight international auto cities with an auto capacity of over one million cars.

Changchun has launched four programs with a scale exceeding 600,000 cars. If programs in early preparation are considered it can be expected that the added capacity of one million cars can be achieved by the end of 2010.

Changchun is the largest auto city in China, where FAW (First Automobile Works), one of China's biggest auto makers, is located. FAW was put into operation in 1956 and produced China's first truck and passenger car.

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