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Geely to develop DSI's 7-speed DCT for its future cars

Amanda Zheng From Gasgoo.com| April 15 , 2010 13:24 BJT
Shanghai, April 15 (Gasgoo.com) Geely Holding Group for the first time disclosed details after its acquisition of Australia's Drivetrain Systems International (DSI). Recently, Zhao Fu, Geely's vice president for technology said DSI's 7-speed DCT is currently under development and most of the work will be taken over by Geely's technology team.

Zhao Fu said 85% of the 7-speed DCT R&D will be done by Geely and 15% by DSI, adding that Geely's and DSI's technology teams have all together created a "Combined Fleet".

In mid-2009, Geely acquired this largest gearbox manufacturer (DSI) in Australia. The company mainly produces 4AT and 6AT (6-speed automated manual transmission). The 4AT R&D team has left, and the 7-speed DCT team has the basic skills, but without follow-up R&D being carried out.

Zhao said the 7-speed DCT will be applied to Geely's future cars and is currently being developed. Both the transmission team under Geely Automobile Research Institute and DSI's R&D team in Melbourne with about 50 people are involved in the development.

However, the 6AT will be more adaptable to the current auto market, Zhao revealed, all nine Geely vehicle models with over 1.5L displacement, including Geely's London Taxi TX4 will be equipped with the 6AT starting next year, adding that DSI's 6AT will be domestically produced next year and shall create a significant business effect in the market.

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