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Honda's 2010 China sales up 12.2% to 646,600 vehicles

Amanda Zheng From Gasgoo.com| January 07 , 2011 15:46 BJT

Shanghai January 7 (Gasgoo.com) Honda Motor Co's vehicle sales in China climbed 12.2% in 2010 to 646,600 units, in spite of a 2.23% fall in December, said gasgoo.com, citing a company statement.

Last month, the Japanese automaker sold 58,000 vehicles in China.

Sales for the Honda CR-V remained strong in the Chinese market last year, rising 33% from a year earlier to 160,000 units. However, the Honda Accord and Fit models saw their sales decline 2.1% and 31% year on year to 172,000 units and 34,000 units in 2010, respectively.

In addition, the Honda Civic, Civic Hybrid, Spirior and City models reported sales of 101,000 units, 198 units, 19,400 units and more than 130,000 units in China last year, respectively.

Honda's local joint venture with Guangzhou Automobile Group Co Ltd (GAC) registered cumulative sales of 386,000 units in 2010, a year-on-year increase of 5.58%.

Meanwhile, its other joint venture with Dongfeng Motor Group achieved cumulative sales of 260,600 units, up 23.74% from 2009.

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