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Changan Mazda finalizes breakup with Ford, to relocate to Nanjing

Carmen Lee From Gasgoo.com| February 24 , 2011 17:26 BJT

Changan Mazda finalizes breakup with Ford, to relocate to Nanjing

Gasgoo.com (Shanghai February 24) - The dissolution of the three-way Changan Ford Mazda joint venture has been officially completed with Changan Mazda's headquarters to be relocated to Nanjing, the Beijing Times reported today. The breakup process, which had been initiated last April, will see the dismantling of the Beijing Mazda motor division, previously in charge of Mazda's Chinese operations. Other operations will be moved to the company's new headquarters of Nanjing within the year.

An unnamed source within Changan Mazda said that the company "had put a lot of consideration in relocating to Nanjing." The primary reason behind the move reportedly is the size of the Nanjing factory, where Changan Mazda will reportedly construct R&D and logistics centers.

The Beijing Mazda motor division is currently responsible for sales, market research, customer service, autopart supplying and business planning. After relocation only the sales and customer service departments will remain in Beijing. Company staff is also to be restructured after the move, with the aforementioned source saying, "[Changan Mazda's] marketing director and other executive positions will be decided by majority shareholder Changan Motors and Mazda Motor Corporation." Beijing staff can choose to follow the company or resign.

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