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Beijing Benz to begin working on production program for GLK

Carmen Lee From Gasgoo.com| July 20 , 2011 04:32 BJT

Beijing Benz to begin working on production program for GLK

Gasgoo.com (Shanghai July 19) - The production program for the Mercedes-Benz GLK will start this October, the Beijing Morning Post reported today. The manufacturer will also begin selling several new imported models beginning next year via its Beijing Benz joint venture.

The news comes after Beijing Benz christened its new engine factory in the Beijing Economic Technological Development Area earlier this month, the manufacturer's first one outside of its home country of Germany. The factory is set to begin manufacturing in 2013, with its first phase production target set at 250,000 engines. It will also provide parts for Ford and Daimler, as well as for overseas markets.

Xu Heyi, CEO of BAIC, has also confirmed that Beijing Benz will be looking to expand production and build a new research center in the country. The JV is looking to accelerate the rate of domestic production of automobile and auto parts.

Beijing Benz's sales during the first half of this year increased 120 percent, but are still far behind in number when compared with rival luxury brands Audi and BMW.

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