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Honda China COO confident in Dongfeng Honda's progress

Carmen Lee From Gasgoo.com| December 02 , 2011 01:34 BJT

Honda China COO confident in Dongfeng Honda's progress

Gasgoo.com (Shanghai December 1) - Despite tough automobile market conditions this year, foreign manufacturers such as Honda cannot ignore the importance of the country. In an interview with xkb.com.cn, Seiji Kuraishi, chief operating officer for Honda's regional operations in China, hoped that the manufacturer's sales in the country would grow 15 percent next year. This is despite the Japanese earthquake and Thai flood having occurred severely influenced automobile enterprises. Mr. Kuraishi added that Honda would be increasing its research and development done in China.

The Chinese automotive market has maintained a steady growth of ten percent over the first half of this year. However, that rate is beginning to slow down due to certain economic policies hostile to taking out loans and appreciation of the yuan. Dealers are also seeing their funds stretched tighter than before, which has also influenced the market.

Mr. Kuraishi (pictured) stated on the floor of last week's Auto Guangzhou 2011 exhibition that Chinese consumers would be able to feel Honda's commitment to the country. "We are definitely working hard," he said, adding that the manufacturer will continue to invest in R&D and product localization. Mr. Kuraishi also confirmed that Dongfeng Honda's second factory would begin production next year.

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