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Changan Suzuki begins work on second factory

Carmen Lee From Gasgoo.com| April 17 , 2012 19:10 BJT

Changan Suzuki begins work on second factory

Gasgoo.com (Shanghai April 17) - Changan Suzuki has officially begun laying the foundation for its second production site in Chonqging's Banan District, the Chongqing Economic Times reported today. The joint venture will invest a total of 2.3 billion yuan ($364.52m) in the site, which is designed to possess an annual production capability of 100,000 vehicles. The site will reportedly be responsible for the manufacture of two as-of-yet unconfirmed Suzuki models.

The site, which is located in Banan District's Tianming Automobile and Motorcycle Industrial Park, will be 134.7 sq. m large. It is only 500 m away from the JV's present factory and 28 km away from the heart of Chongqing. In accordance with Changan Suzuki's overall business strategy, the site will be built to the highest of environmentally friendly standards, with water, electrical and air consumption rates, as well as overall emissions, at the forefront of the industry. It will boast four automobile assembly lines. The site is scheduled to begin operation in 2013. It is expected to bring in 1.3 billion yuan ($206.04m) in taxes and offer 3,000 jobs.

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