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Haima Automobile Sales Stop Falling, SUV Sales Increase Dramatically

Tiger Ruan From Gasgoo.com| December 30 , 2013 17:05 BJT

For any automobile brand, it is hard for them to develop stable among stiff competition. With joint venture pressure, China owned brand is hard to take back its lost glory. Part companies are even hard to achieve it sales goal. Haima was one of them last year.

Haima M8

According to Passenger Car Association statistics, Haima 2012 sales were 128.7 thousand, which did not hit its sales goal. Haima answers the question before “the reason for sales decrease is because we do not have any products between the first generation and the second generation vacuum.”

Haima Automobile has adjusted its strategy this year. It accelerates product development and market introducing. In March, new compact Haima passenger car M3 has launched market. In June, new Haima S7 under new platform has launchedmarket. In Dec, new M8, which aims upper middle segment, has met its customers. Besides, Cupid 2013, Haima M3 colorful version, and new Familychampion’scommemorative edition have launched market this year as well.

The new product launching speed is not slow for any automobiles companies. Those new product not only makes up Haima product line shortage, but also rich Haima product construction. It has optimized Haima product line, which rely on Family too much before.

With intensive new product launching, Haima sales increasedramatically. According to statistics, up to Nov, Haima produces 155,614 cars, which has decreased 2.72% over last year. Totally sales are 156,445, which have increased 3.14% slightly. Nov this year, Haima produces 16,371 cars, which has decreased 6.97%. Its sales are 17,621, which has decreased 4.44%.

From sort perspective, Haima SUV sales increase is the most obviously. Up to Nov this year, Haima SUV has produced 39,383, which has increased 81.27% over last year. Its sales are 37,633, which has increased 78.07% over last year. Meanwhile, basic passenger car has produced 92,723, which has increased 9.06%. its sales are 91,158, which has increased 11.45%.

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