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Auto O2O Sales Wave Coming, Companies Cooperate with E-business Platform

Tiger Ruan From Gasgoo.com| April 01 , 2014 09:51 BJT

“Internet thinking “is the most popular concept this year when managers of every industry emphasizes to their employees. With the concept development with internet, it already goes deeply into operation from theatric discuss before. Even automobile industry, which is considered as a most traditional industry, has stepped into experience with e-business.

What is undeniable, automobile e-business show open already.Compared with participants of second-hand dealers and dealers, automobile e-business competition includes automobile manufactures and media battle at present. Last week, SAIC builds and initials its first e-business O2O platform“auto-enjoy platform”. CHEN Hong, secretary and president of SAIC believes that there is no obvious boundary between traditional company and e-business Company in the future. All of them are part of internet world. “Auto-enjoy platform of SAIC faces future and it is a necessary step following technology development. It walks with time changing and market and industry change brought by internet.”

There is no question that automobile e-business is a new start of auto industry marketing. It is also an integration of new and traditional marketing channels. Automobile manufactures have to compete for the new territory in case of potential sales channel lost. Compared with SAIC radical move, others choose to cooperate with big traditional e-business platforms, such as Tmall.com, Jingdong.com and Taobao.com etc. One of them, autohome.com announces that the company will invest 50 million CNY into the first round of “Crazy Shopping Festival” in Shandong, Guangdong and Jiangsu provinces to fix automobile e-business as regular duty. Beijing Auto has cooperated with qiangchezu.com to move its sales online as well, which will imitate Tesla online sales.

SUN Mengzi, senior analyst of Analysys International says O2O makes true of integration between online virtual business and real business. It has wide market potential and will provide a new sales method for traditional companies. According to the experience of last “double-11” sales performance, it is possible for sales online exceeding sales offline. With new technology application, automobile will be a multifunction super mobile terminal. It will bring new experience and value standard for customers and push automobile industry forwards from industry period to digital period. The O2O storm is coming for sure.

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