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XU Liuping Cooperates with Fields: Changan- Ford North to Haerbin

Tiger Ruan From Gasgoo.com| May 15 , 2014 10:34 BJT

“We do not want to build new plant yet.” MA Ruilin, president of Changan- Ford tells reporter during interview. Plant of Changan- Ford are very flexible, which is able to meet market demand based on real situation.

4 days ago, HUANG Yanxin, vice director of Rural Economic System and Management Division of Ministry of Agriculture, says not in purpose that Changan- Ford plans to build new plant in Beijing when he takes the “2nd New urbanization Conference”. He criticize Beijing “Beijing owns so much manufacture industry companies, such as Benz, Hyundai and Beijing Auto. Now it still wants Changan- Ford. How do other cities develop under the situation.” The speech shall be taken as the response for Changan- Ford Beijing plant build.

However, it is possible that capacity of Changan- Ford is not enough. According to public statistics, sales of Changan- Ford last year was 679 thousand cars, which has increased 62% over last year. It is the fastest growth joint venture among others. The first and second plants of Changan- Ford own capacity of 600 thousands per year. Even with the other 2 plants, the entire capacity only mounts to 1.2 million cars per year. It still distance 300 thousands cars from “1.5 million sales goal”. Where is the next spot if does not include Beijing inside.

Changan builds plant in Beijing already, which paves for Ford forwards north. However, the current policy situation will not allow Changan- Ford moves into Beijing. Beijing now thinks about move manufacture project out of the city because of environment pressure and Beijing- Tianjin- Hebei Province synergy. Under the background, it is not very possible for Changan- Ford against tendency. However, it does not mean the company will give up its north plan.

On May 12, MA Ruilin did not go back to Chongqing after take part in ceremony of Chinese Super League. However, he went to Haerbin with four senior managers, which research for Changan- Ford plan in the future. It is the first time for senior management of Changan- Ford visiting Haerbin Aviation. Haerbin Aviation is a choose of Changan, which shall tightly connected with destination of Changan- Ford in the future.

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