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New EV charging standards to be announced this August

Carmen Lee From Gasgoo.com| July 28 , 2015 17:57 BJT

New EV charging standards to be announced this August

Gasgoo.com (Shanghai July 28) - At a recent automotive conference held by the State Information Center, Beijing Municipal Science and Technology Commission’s Director of New Resources and New Materials Section Xu Xinchao announced that preparation and drafting work for the new standards for charging electric vehicles has been completed. According to Mr. Xu, the new official standards should be officially announced sometime in August.

Charging machines and charging posts account for over half of all costs for charging infrastructure in the country. Zhonhen, Wanma and other major domestic manufacturers of charging infrastructure are all paying close attention to any new information regarding these upcoming standards.

Stock prices for charging price manufacturers rose dramatically last week, with average growth rates for 16 leading companies growing over 10%. The Shenzhen Fountain Corporation, Jiangsu Dongyuan Electrical Group and Suzhou Heshun Electric Company led the pack with stock price increases of 56.04%, 46.41% and 41.27%, respectively.

Furthermore, recent reports also reveal that 17 automotive companies have accepted studies from research organizations, with 11 of those being automotive part manufacturers.

Industry analysts are quick to point out that the implementation of new standards will help improve charging infrastructure in the country, going as far to expand interconnectivity with the Internet and cloud computing.


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