Tesla acheived less innovation than expected,Musk’ s visit to China turns out to be a show?
Gasgoo.com (Shanghai Oct 26) - Last week, Elon Musk ,the founder of Tesla, paid his third visit to China. Compared with the sensation his appearance trigered, the imformation he brought to China appeared to be more plain, even negligible to some extent.
On October 22, Musk attended Tsinghua Management Global Forum where he pointed out that Tesla would achieve its localizatioal mass production within two years during a dialogue with Qian Yingyi , Dean of CollegeofEconomicsandManagement of Tsinghua University. On the second day, Tesla held a press conference introducing System 7.0 in China, and Musk personally introduced some basic optimization of the new system. According to Musk, to accomondate with its pre-installed models, this new system would allow the function of automatic driving assitance.
For the insiders of this field, however, Tesla has receded to a traditional automobile company now who has lagged behind others based on the automatic driver assistance system it presented.
The owners of Tesla can upgrade their Model S to automatic driving cars for free overnight while others who also want to experience automatic driving need to spend much buying a new car, said Tesla in the news released to media on October 23.
But during the interview with media, Musk himself acknowledged that the automatic driving technologies System 7.0 allows, including automatically maintaining the lane , automatically changing the lane and automatically parking, hadn’t been mature as expected yet. And he aslo pointed out that the technology at this stage has not matured enough to allow completely automatic driving. To achieve this goal, more sensors are in need ,and the whole system should function better.
Different from Tesla, Mercedes Benz, Volvo, Ford and other automobile companies have exposed their automatic driving automobiles step by step. Though automatic driving test of a million kilometers having been finished , only a part of semi-automatic driving technologies have been presented in some automobiles of mass production.
Similarly, in term of the development of automatic driving technology, the traditional automobile enterprises attach importance to upgrade not only the software but also hardware. It is indicated that traditional automobile enterprises still focus on whether
the use of laser technology, radar technology, wheel correcting technology, three-dimensional imaging technology, high-precision sensors, map of high precision and other technologies are mature when evaluating the safety and performance of automatic driving automobiles.
Therefore, traditional automobile enterprises tend to place more emphasis on whether the automatic driving technology is mature. Who should be blamed when there is a traffice accident? When the automatic driving automobiles are about to be put on the market, more problems like these will be discussed and considered by traditional automobile enterprises. For example, recently, Volvo has declared that it will hold full responsibility for the traffic accident caused by the automatic driving automobiles they produce.
But, according to Musk, it is drivers of Tesla that should be responsible for the accident. Because Tesla offer automatic driving technology for the purpose of improving driving condition in highway. More like the unmanned aircrafts, the drivers of automatic driving automobiles still need to steer the wheel and pay attention to the traffic condition.
During the interview, Musk emphasized that Tesla now is still an "small company" opening to the outside. “Though media referred Tesla as an elephant, it turns out to be a mouse in term of scale,” said Musk. The number of electric automobiles Tesla sold in China reached 3,025. And the sales in the third quarter increased by more than 50% on a year-on-year basis.
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