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SAIC battery electric vehicles to be produced in 2008

Ally From www.gasgoo.com| April 23 , 2007 17:40 BJT

The market for battery electric vehicles in China has been growing rapidly, and SAIC aims to accelerate the development and research on replaceable fuel focusing on the existing fuel cell battery technology, said Hu Maoyuan, President of Shanghai Automotive Industry Corp (SAIC) at a news conference before the convening of the Shanghai Auto Show. SAIC has made great breakthroughs on new energy development and its self-brand battery electric vehicles will be put into small scale production starting in 2008. SAIC has displayed one of its fuel cell powered sedans at the Shanghai Auto Show.

According to an official from SAIC Holding, energy resource is a key factor in the sustainable development of the auto industry. China's auto industry starts late in the research of engine assembly systems but it stand even with foreign competitors on the part of new energy research. China auto makers should take this opportunity and make great efforts on exploration of fuel cell and hybrid power technology.

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