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JV to provide car maker's colors

From www.shanghaidaily.com| April 28 , 2007 16:58 BJT

CHERY Automobile Co Ltd said yesterday it has teamed up with PPG Industries Corp of the United States to form a new joint venture to produce paint for vehicles.

The two companies have invested 70 million yuan (US$9 million) for the first phase of a new plant, located in Wuhu in Anhui Province, Chery's home city, China's fourth-largest car maker said in a statement.

Groundbreaking for the new facility is scheduled for this month, and construction is due to be completed by the end of this year. The plant will have the capacity to provide paint for one million Chery vehicles.

Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania-based PPG has already set up seven manufacturing facilities in China. The company is a supplier to Volkswagen AG, General Motors Corp, Mercedes-Benz Car Group, PSA Peugeot Citroen and Hainan Mazda Motor Corp in China.

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