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Chery exported 10,000 units in June

Jorvan From www.gasgoo.com| July 10 , 2007 13:05 BJT

Chery exported 10,000 units in June

Chery auto exports reached 11,358 units in May this year, and in June the number broke the 11,000 mark. In the first half of this year, Chery's total exports reached 52,712 units, increased by as much as 290%, compared to the same period last year with 13,548 units.

Chery's export growth has been accelerating since 2005 with a total of export volume of 18,000 units and in 2006, it has almost tripled to 50,000 units. Chery's export volume is expected to reach 100,000 units in 2007.

Chery Automobile has exported auto products to more than 50 countries worldwide, with Eastern Europe, West Asia, North Africa and South America becoming the important overseas markets.

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