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Lexus knocks out Mercedes in China's high-end car market

Joanne Jiu From Gasgoo.com| September 24 , 2007 19:03 BJT

Shanghai. September 24 (Gasgoo.com) -Toyota's high-end Lexus sold more vehicles than total Benz sales, both locally produced and imported, in the first eight months in China.

Benz China said the company sold 15,900 units vehicles-- both locally made and the imported cars in the first eight months of the year.

In contrast, Lexus delivered 14,600 vehicles in Chinese market in the first seven months and the company. Toyota did not release Lexus sales in August, but if put its average monthly sales of 2000 units in, Lexus sales have clearly outstripped Benz in Chinese market. 

Figures from China Trading Center for Automobile Import show that Lexus has already led all the imported luxury vehicle brands during the first half of 2007. This has changed the landscape of Chinese luxury car market which has been long dominated by BMW, Audi and Mercedes-Benz.

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