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Daimler donates 500,000 euros to China quake victims

From PRNewswire| May 16 , 2008 10:43 BJT
Daimler AG is supporting the earthquake victims in China together with its local companies Daimler North East Asia (DNEA) and Beijing Benz-DaimlerChrysler Automotive Ltd. (BBDC) with a total of 500,000 euros ($774,000). The money is being provided to locally active aid organizations such as China Charity Foundation and the Chinese Red Cross. In addition, DNEA has provided the Chinese authorities with trucks for use in disaster areas.

"The situation in Sichuan is heartbreaking," stated Ulrich Walker, Chairman and CEO of Daimler North East Asia. "We have only recognized the extent of destruction since emergency personnel arrived in the worst-hit areas recently. The disaster is far greater than was originally assumed. We have therefore decided to significantly increase our support." DNEA already donated 40,000 euros one day after the earthquake.

Daimler is cooperating closely with the responsible authorities and aid organizations on the spot in order to organize aid projects as effectively as possible. The focus is on supporting the search and rescue efforts, the care of homeless people and the long-term reconstruction of schools, hospitals and old-people's homes. Daimler's employees in China have already demonstrated their willingness to help spontaneously by donating a total of 16,000 euros.

Daimler has also provided 200,000 euros for the crisis area in Myanmar. This money will be used on the condition that aid organizations are enabled to work professionally where help is needed. It is also necessary to ensure that the support can actually be of benefit to the victims. Daimler is continually in contact with the various aid organizations concerning this issue.

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