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Hongqi introduces R.Flag technology brand, outlines goals in segments

Ramy From Gasgoo| October 31 , 2018 18:43 BJT

Hongqi introduces R.Flag technology brand, outlines goals in segments

Shanghai (Gasgoo)- On October 30, Hongqi, car marque under FAW Group, launched its technology strategy R.Flag with an aim to build advanced environment-friendly and intelligent technology platform. The strategy comprises of four strategic plans, i.RFlag, e.RFlag, 5f.RFlag, m.RFlag.

R.Flag stands for rise, future, leading, autonomous and genes, indicating the car brand wants to build a platform which boasts the leading and intelligent future genes. “New Hongqi brand has made progress and we aims to transform Hongqing into NO.1-in-China and world-renowned premium brand. Powerful technology advantages are essential to better the brand’s image and user experience,” said Xu Liuping, chairman at FAW Group Corporation.

i.RFlag is Hongqi’s initiative in intelligent connected vehicle. Under the plan, Hongqi will introduce L3 autonomous mass-produced vehicle in 2019, L4 autonomous mass-produced vehicle in 2020 and L5 in 2025. It is reported that the brand will release its L4 autonomous passenger vehicle at the beginning of November.

Under its e.RFlag plan, the technology strategy for electrification segment, the first battery electric vehicle will be put into production in 2018. Hongqi’s fuel cell electric vehicle fleet will be operated in 2019 and an electric vehicle with range up to 600 km will be launched in 2020. By 2025, the brand will launch a total of 15 models.

The 5f.RFlag represents Hongqi’s efforts in experience. Hongqi will use cutting-edge technologies to create ultimate and comfortable experience. The brand is building innovative labs around the world and setting unique and constantly iterative standards. Relevant products will come in succession from 2019 on.

Hongqi’s strategy also covers ride-sharing segment with the dedicated m.RFlag initiative. Hongqi will explore innovative modes, such as Hongqi mobility and business car 3.0 program, to construct an intelligent mobility ecosystem. Hongqi has teamed up with many cities to launch ride-sharing service.

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