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BeyonCa to establish global headquarters in Hong Kong

Gabriella From Gasgoo| June 28 , 2024 17:51 BJT

Beijing (Gasgoo)- On June 28, luxury smart electric vehicle brand BeyonCa announced its entry into the Hong Kong Science & Technology Parks' Tseung Kwan O InnoPark. The company will establish its global headquarters, vehicle assembly plant, and four key centers at this location.

BeyonCa to establish global headquarters in Hong Kong

Signing ceremony; photo credit: BeyonCa

The four centers include the Complete Vehicle R&D and AI Center, the Marketing Center, the Customer Experience and Smart Health Services Center, and the Big Data Center.

"BeyonCa will leverage the advanced supply chain systems of the Chinese mainland and the international talent pool of the Guangdong-Hong Kong-Macao Greater Bay Area to bring high-value IP R&D, AI development, and assembly operations to Hong Kong. Through an innovative cross-border manufacturing model, BeyonCa aims to become the first international luxury electric vehicle brand 'MADE IN HONG KONG'," said company founder and chairman Weiming Soh. "Our unique '1+3' business model will facilitate cross-border manufacturing: '1' represents the establishment of an intelligent cockpit, AI development, and a top-tier assembly plant for luxury vehicles in Hong Kong; '3' refers to the completion of stamping, welding, and painting processes in component industrial parks in the Chinese mainland."

BeyonCa to establish global headquarters in Hong Kong

BeyonCa GT Opus 1; photo credit: BeyonCa

BeyonCa announced its global debut on October 30, 2022. The company has global offices in five cities across three countries including three R&D offices in China, a design center in Munich and a Singapore office which will become an R&D hub. Strategic shareholders of BeyonCa include Dongfeng Motor Group and Renault Group.

The company previously disclosed that it plans to roll out its first mass-produced car model in 2024, just as projected demand for premium smart EVs starts rising rapidly both in Asia and globally.

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