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AutoX permitted to test RoboTaxi on Beijing’s Third Ring Road

Gabriella From Gasgoo| May 27 , 2024 17:47 BJT

Beijing (Gasgoo)- Recently, AutoX's RoboTaxi became one of the first companies authorized to conduct autonomous driving tests in the area between Beijing Economic and Technological Development Area and Beijing South Railway Station.

AutoX permitted to test RoboTaxi on Beijing’s Third Ring Road

Photo credit: AutoX

This newly approved testing zone encompasses the high-speed railway station and its surrounding areas, marking a significant milestone as AutoX’s RoboTaxis enter Beijing's Third Ring Road, unlocking new urban application scenarios.

As the only company in China solely focused on RoboTaxi technology, AutoX has committed extensively to achieving breakthroughs in applying Level 4 unmanned passenger vehicles in major cities. This advancement in Beijing's core urban area follows similar achievements in central business districts (CBDs) in Shenzhen, Hangzhou, Guangzhou, and Shanghai, demonstrating AutoX's progress in preparing for RoboTaxi commercialization in top-tier city centers.

AutoX permitted to test RoboTaxi on Beijing’s Third Ring Road

Photo credit: AutoX

Beijing South Railway Station is a major transportation hub integrating railways, high-speed trains, subways, city trains, buses, and taxis, with a daily passenger flow of nearly 300,000. The newly designated autonomous driving routes cover two-way distances of 32 kilometers and 58.6 kilometers, respectively, reaching Beijing South Railway Station and including a 2.2 square kilometer testing support area. Additionally, dedicated autonomous driving parking spaces have been arranged in the station's multi-story parking facility.

AutoX is already conducting autonomous driving tests in the area and plans to offer RoboTaxi services to passengers by the end of the year. The service, accessible through the AutoX App, aims to provide safe, premium, chauffeur-level transportation.

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