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East Coast Radio gives away Chery cars to winners

From bizcommunity.com| October 03 , 2008 22:31 BJT

When times are tough, East Coast Radio (of South Africa) can always be relied upon to bring some welcome relief in the form of a great on-air promotion. The station once again makes radio history with the "Chery for my Cherry" competition which will see six lucky winners each win a Chery QQ3 car.

Over the next few months, finalists will literally be 'smacking their lips' at the opportunity to win - the last person with their lips still firmly pouted on the car, wins a spanking new Chery QQ3. East Coast Radio together with Chery cars will give away a total of six fabulous Chery QQ3 vehicles.

"These fabulous QQ3's are the perfect solution to our strained economic times. They are completely fuel efficient and environment friendly…so in addition to winning a fantastic prize, you will be able to do your bit for the environment and help 'Make Here Happen'," says East Coast Radio's Marketing Director, Paulette Holmes.

The station has embarked on a new all encompassing campaign - "Make Here Happen," where the underlying concept focuses on optimism and positivity. So not only is winning a Chery QQ3 competition a great boost when money is scarce, you can also help "Make Here Happen" as you will be driving a fuel efficient vehicle that ultimately helps protect the environment.

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