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China sold 8 million vehicles in the first 11 months, up 23.19% year-on-year

Tony From Gasgoo.com| December 12 , 2007 11:14 BJT
Shanghai. December 12 (Gasgoo.com) China produced 8.05 million vehicles in the first 11 months this year, up 22.25 percent from one year earlier, meanwhile the country sold 7.95 million vehicles in the same period, up 23.19 percent from one year earlier, Xinhua News Agency reported yesterday.
In the first 11 months, China produced 5.75 million passenger vehicles, up 21.64 percent and sold 5.66 passenger vehicles, up 22.84 percent from one year earlier. Meanwhile, China produced 2.30 million commercial vehicles, up 23.83 percent and 2.29 million in this period, up 24.12 percent from one year earlier.
The table below shows China’s top 10 automaker in November sales (both passenger and commercial vehicles are included).
Jan-Nov sales (units)
SAIC (Shanghai Auto)
1.38 million
FAW (First Automobile Works)
1.31 million
Dongfeng Auto
1.02 million
Changan Auto
0.77 million
Beijing Auto
0.63 million
Guangzhou Auto
0.45 million
Chery Auto
0.35 million
Brilliance Auto
0.27 million
Hafei Auto
0.22 million
Geely Auto
0.19 million
Source: China Association of Automobile Manufacturers.


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