Shanghai. January 23 ( – Shanghai GM will launch its first hybrid vehicle, a LaCROSSE equipped with E-co Hybrid system in June or July of this year, the company announced yesterday.
LaCROSSE will be the first middle and high end Hybrid vehicle to be launched in Chinese market. The vehicle could reduce fuel consumption by at least 15 percent. Besides LaCROSSE hybrid, Shanghai GM also plans to launch three low fuel-consumption engines this year.
Toyota Prius, the first Hybrid vehicles sold in Chinese market, started local production in China at the end of 2005. However, the vehicle’s sales performance in Chinese is encouraging: the model sold only 414 units last year, according to China National Association of Passenger Vehicle Manufacturers.
Experts say there are two factors leading to hybrid vehicle’s discouraging sales: first, hybrid vehicles usually are 180%-190% more expensive than conventional vehicles; second maintenance costs for hybrid vehicles are twice as much as conventional vehicles.
Honda Civic hybrid is the second hybrid vehicles imported to Chinese market by Dongfeng Honda just two month ago. The importer has not release any report on this vehicle’s sales performance in Chinese market so far.
The launch of LaCROSSE hybrid will make Shanghai GM the third joint venture automaker to deliver a hybrid vehicle in China following Toyota and Honda. Toyota Motor Corp is currently the only carmaker that builds a hybrid car in China. Honda started to sell imported Civic hybrid in China starting late November.
Last week, China's first local brand hybrid vehicle Jiexun rolled off assembly in Changan Automobile. The hybrid vehicle can save up to 20 percent fuel consumption compared with conventional vehicles and its tailpipe emission can meet EU-IV standards.