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ECARX forms intelligent SoC cockpit ecosystem with Desay SV, Neusoft and BDStar

Gabriella From Gasgoo| December 06 , 2021 22:17 BJT

Beijing (Gasgoo)- Geely-backed ECARX and SiEngine Technology, ECARX’s joint venture with ARM China, have inked separate strategic partnership agreements with leading auto parts players Desay SV, Neusoft, and BDStar’s BICV to build an advanced smart cockpit ecosystem.

ECARX forms intelligent SoC cockpit ecosystem with Desay SV, Neusoft and BDStar

Signing ceremony; photo credit: ECARX

The companies will strive to develop a high-end digital cockpit platform built on SiEngine Technology’s DragonHawk One intelligent cockpit SoC and the ECARX Automotive Service Core (EAS Core) universal operation system software framework.

Through the collaboration, the companies believe that they are able to push forward the technology integration throughout the industrial chain effectively and accelerate the development, iteration of China’s auto intelligence industry.

ECARX forms intelligent SoC cockpit ecosystem with Desay SV, Neusoft and BDStar

Photo credit: SiEngine Technology

After implementing its smart cockpit technologies on millions of mass-produced vehicles, ECARX will develop intelligent cockpits with sufficient computing power and offer partners a universal cross-platform EAS Core based on its DragonHawk One SoC to meet the market demands.

The EAS Core has terminal-cloud-integrated serviceability and an expandable framework, offering over 4,000 API ports and development tools.

ECARX said that by integrating the advantages of its DragonHawk One SoC and EAS Core, the company would build a high-end digital cockpit solution that serves the diverse demands of all its partners and automakers in the industry.

In addition, a new-generation smart cockpit product building on the said solution can be expected on mass-produced vehicles in 2023, ECARX added.

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